8 September 2022
Support for worker’s rights and safety is imperative to mental health
The TFPA congratulates Minister Barnett on his work in updating our laws and passing important amendments to the Police Offences Act through Tasmanian parliament.
These strengthened laws keep pace with the changing protest environment and will assist to combat the era of the professional protestor.
No one is opposed to people’s right to protest peacefully, even if we disagree, however the message today, to our industry workers and others, is that your value to society, your right to work and your mental health is just as important as the next person.
Freedoms of expression and freedom of assembly does not extend to unlawful and unwelcome attacks on individuals in their place of work.
Placing workers safety and mental health at risk whilst impinging on their rights and freedoms is simply not good enough and the message today is, it must stop.
Despite our differences of opinion, we should all be able to respect the rights of each other and behave in a manner that is acceptable in a modern and democratic society.
Media enquiries:
Stuart Harris
Media & Public Relations Manager
M: 0491 205 627