Wednesday 21 April 2021
RE: Response to the Greens policy release.
Media Statement – Tasmanian Forest Products Association
The Tasmanian Forest Products Association have slammed the Greens supposed forestry policy as nothing more than political opportunism and a direct insult to the hard workers in the two electorates that they claim to represent.
“There is nothing new in this policy announcement. Said Nick Steel, CEO of TFPA. This is the same hollow criticism of the industry and its people that we constantly see from the Greens”.
“I am gobsmacked frankly. They seem to be claiming that they, and they alone will turn the forest industry workers into good managers of our forests, as if they aren’t already.”
“This is a direct insult to the forest industry community which has been responsibly managing our forests for generations. Their hard work and responsible management is why we now have World Heritage listed forests, world class national parks and productive forests that employ thousands of hard working Tasmanians.
“The fact is that the Native Forests being harvested are only available today because of the foresight and good management of our forestry forefathers who regenerated these areas following the last harvest. It might pay for Rosalie to get out in her electorate office a little more often to see what the good people in Franklin are achieving” said Mr Steel.
In response to claims that the Greens policy will turn vast tracts of the state into carbon capture reserves, Mr Steel said “It is great to see the Greens catching up with the industry in understanding the value of carbon storage. We have long understood the benefits of carbon capture for the environment and we know that the carbon is retained once harvested and converted into products such as framing for housing, flooring and furniture. It’s a win win”.