The Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA) has today welcomed news that TasPorts will construct a new ship loader at Bell Bay – assisting the transport of goods to expanding overseas markets from our sustainable forestry industry.
Speaking at the announcement of the new ship loader, TFPA Chief Executive Officer Nick Steel said the new ship loader was long overdue at Bell Bay.
“The provision of essential public infrastructure such as road, rail and wharf access are key for the continued viability of the forest industry,” Mr Steel said.
“For years, the TFPA has been pushing for the construction of the new loader. In fact, we started lobbying for its construction as part of our 2021 State Budget submission.
“Forestry relies on the State’s main ports, as they are essential in receiving and sending forest and wood products to interstate and overseas markets.”
“There is huge demand for Tasmania’s sustainable and responsibly sourced forest products, including our wood chips,” Mr Steel said.
“Tasmanian wood chips are essential in the production of cardboard and paper that we need and use every day. Wood chips are also vital for the creation of new energy sources – such as biomass.
“This new ship loader will open bigger and more markets to our Tasmanian businesses, address our industry’s need for greater efficiency and biosecurity, and reinforce the port’s role in the state’s export economy.
“The TFPA congratulates TasPorts and the Tasmanian Government for committing to this vitally important piece of infrastructure, which will support the sustainable Tasmanian forestry industry, the state’s communities, and the greater Tasmanian economy.”