Following ongoing vocal bipartisan support for forestry in our State Parliament, the Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA) has welcomed similar support from the two major parties in our nation’s capital this week.
TFPA Chief Executive, Nick Steel, said it was fantastic to see support from both Labor and the Liberals for our responsible, respected and renewable industry in the Australian Senate.
“Following National Forestry Day earlier in the week, yesterday the Australian Senate debated the Illegal Logging Prohibition Amendment (Strengthening Measures to Prevent Illegal Timber Trade) Bill 2024 – and both Labor and the Liberals loudly proclaimed their ongoing commitment to supporting forestry, Mr Steel said.
“Both major parties know that our sustainable forestry industry is essential to support our regional communities, a strong and thriving economy, and the best way for Tasmania and the nation to meet our lofty climate change goals.”
Speaking on the Bill, Tasmanian Senator and Shadow Minister for Fisheries and Forestry, Johno Duniam, reaffirmed the Coalition’s commitment to our industry, and the thousands employed by forestry businesses across the country.
“Obviously, the coalition is a big supporter of the forestry industry in Australia. We have a fine history when it comes to the processing of timber products, harvesting and managing forests and ensuring we do it to the world’s best standards,” Senator Duniam said.
“Whether it be native forestry or plantation, we do it to the world’s best standard, we do it sustainably and we do it in a way we should be proud of.”
Earlier in the week, Labor also reaffirmed its commitment to supporting our industry, with Victorian Senator Raff Ciccione declaring the Government also backs our timber workers.
“Yesterday marked National Forestry Day, so I wanted to celebrate the enormous environmental, economic and social contribution of our forest industry and he workers behind it,” Senator Ciccone said.
“With global demand for timber expected to quadruple by 2050, I’m proud to be part of a government that supports sustainable forest management in Australia and that recognises the crucial role the forestry sector plays in mitigating climate change and driving local economies, particularly those in the regions.”
Mr Steel said strong support from the major parties gives the industry confidence that our jobs and future is secured across the country.
“A strong forestry sector is essential to Tasmanian and Australian future prosperity. Our industry holds many regional communities together, and the products our industry produces are used by Australian every day,” Mr Steel said.
“Despite the mistruths spoken by some of the extreme minor parties, forestry is here to stay and has a bright future across the country.”