
TFPA Response to Greens Budget.

Wednesday 2 September 2021

Media Release – Tasmanian Forest Products Association

TFPA Response to Greens Budget.

Tasmanian Forest Products Association CEO Nick Steel says today’s budget response from the Tasmanian Greens has missed a very important point.

Tasmania’s diverse and modern forestry industry already plays a vital role in the solution to climate change, and as an industry we are investing heavily to understand how we can become even more efficient at removing carbon from the atmosphere.

The Greens claim that ceasing the small volumes of native forestry that is conducted in Tasmania will provide more of a solution, is simply going against the science.

The Greens budget also fails to recognise that Tasmania has the highest percentages of forest protection in the world.

The majority of our forests, over 1.7 million hectares, is permanently locked up in formal reserves on public land.

Tasmania’s gift to the world is more than just the carbon stored in our vast native forests.

It is also the carbon stored in our house frames, oak floors, kitchen benches and furniture. It is our thriving plantation sector, our renewable forest resources, our fibre as a replacement to plastic waste and our sustainable forestry practices.

We welcome the Greens to take a fresh look at what is being done in our industry and join with us as forestry works to be a critical part of the solution.


Media enquiries:

Stuart Harris

Media & Public Relations Manager, Tasmanian Forest Products Association.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0491 205 627


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