
Forest industries, a key part of agriculture to celebrate this AgDay

Australia’s forest industries are celebrating ‘Innovation in Agriculture’ this AgDay 2022 while recognising that our forestry, timber processing and manufacturing, and paper industries are all key cogs, essential to the food and fibre supply chain across the country and the world, Chief Executive Officer of the Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA) Nick Steel said today.

“Forest industries are some of the biggest innovators across agriculture and primary industries, continually improving growing and forest management practices while transforming timber and wood fibre into new and essential products every day. Our industries also increasingly have a critical innovation role making climate friendly replacement products as the world looks to phase out plastics and fossil-fuel based products,” Nick Steel said.

“So important is our innovation role, that the Federal Government is providing $100 million to establish a new National Institute for Forest Products Innovation (NIFPI), right here in Tasmania, to drive research into maximising industry value and developing new products.

“Combining farming with forestry is also another critical and innovative integration as Australia looks to grow our production estate, planting one billion new trees by 2030, thereby ensuring our timber and wood fibre supply into the decades ahead. Global demand for timber and wood fibre is forecast to quadruple by 2050 so we need to make sure supply meets growing demand.”

“AgDay 2022 is important to raise awareness about where so many essential food and fibre products come from and that includes those made from timber and wood fibre. Where would we be without timber for home building and furniture, or wood fibre for paper and packaging materials? These products come from sustainably grown and managed plantations and native forests Australia wide, supporting jobs and communities along the way.

“I commend the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) on another successful AgDay and applaud Australia’s forest industries as an essential part of the broader agriculture sector,” Nick Steel concluded.


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